• Advent begins
    12/01/2024 15:28 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    Today Advent begins (from Latin adventus, adventus (arrival; Advent)), fourth declension

    Listen to this Christmas carol:

    Veni, veni, Emmanuel

    Veni, veni, Emmanuel
    Captivum solve Israel,
    Qui gemit in exsilio,
    Privatus Dei Filio.

    Gaude, Gaude, Emmanuel
    Nascetur pro te, Israel.

    Veni, O Iesse virgula,
    ex hostis tuos ungula,
    de spectu tuos tartari
    educ et antro barathri.

    Gaude, gaude Emmanuel
    Nascetur pro te, Israel.

    Veni, veni O Oriens,
    Solare nos adveniens,
    Noctis depelle nebulas,
    Dirasque mortis tenebras.

    Gaude, gaude Emmanuel
    Nascetur pro te Israel.

    Veni, Clavis Davidica,
    Regna reclude caelica,
    Fac iter tutum superum,
    Et claude vias inferum.

    Gaude, gaude Emmanuel
    Nascetur pro te Israel.

    Veni, veni, Adonai,
    Qui populo in Sinai
    Legem dedisti vertice
    In maiestate gloriae.

    Gaude, gaude Emmanuel
    Nascetur pro te Israel.

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  • New: you can choose the order of cases in the exercises about nouns and pronouns
    10/20/2024 21:54 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    Now you can select the order of the cases in the exercises for practising the declension of nouns and pronouns:

    • traditional or greek: No-Ge-Da-Ac-Vo-Ab
    • modern or reformed: No-Vo-Ac-Ge-Da-Ab
    • random: perhaps the most interesting once you know the declensions


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  • About the case ordering
    10/18/2024 20:24 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    There are two ways for the case ordering of the Latin declension.

    • traditional: No-Ge-Da-Ac-Vo-Ab used since Antiquity and copied from Greek (which has not ablative)
    • modern or reformed: used since the XIX century in Denmark and from there to other countries

    The advantage of modern ordering is that shows the cases that have the same form together. This is better for learning.


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  • How to learn Latin?
    10/07/2024 22:54 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    I recommend the method LINGVA LATINA PER SE ILLVSTRATA for learning Latin. The first part of this method is called Familia Romana. You learn Latin in a natural way. A highly recommended book.

    The essential books are:

    • Familia Romana: textbook in Latin
    • Latine disco I: guide in Spanish explaining each chapter of the Familia Romana
    • Exercitia latina I: aditional exercises

    Also very useful:

    • Morfología latina y diccionario (in Spanish)
    • Audios

    More information in this web:Cultura Clásica Ediciones

    Audios can be heard on YouTube: Series "Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata" | Familia Romana por ScorpioMartianus


    What could be enhanced in Familia Romana?

    • more variety of exercises
    • the answers of the exercises
    • audios should be included with the textbook: CD or download

    Familia Romana Audio files can be downloaded from the following website, at the Audios Familia Romana link:

    Tags Latin, method, books
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  • Why learn Latin?
    09/15/2024 21:52 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    The main reason for learning Latin is to be able to read the original sources in Latin. Sometimes it does not exist a translation in our language or it is not a good one or is a translation of a translation. So Latin is useful for historians, philosophers, philologists. A high level of Latin is required.

    Latin is also useful for:

    • students of Medicine, Zoology, Botany; a basic level is just enought
    • for learning romance languages; even for English, a language that does not come from Latin, because a lot of words come from Latin
    • it is a good mental exercise, learning any language it is so

    Finally you can learn Latin because you find it interesting o just like it.



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