• How to learn Latin?
    10/07/2024 22:54 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    I recommend the method LINGVA LATINA PER SE ILLVSTRATA for learning Latin. The first part of this method is called Familia Romana. You learn Latin in a natural way. A highly recommended book.

    The essential books are:

    • Familia Romana: textbook in Latin
    • Latine disco I: guide in Spanish explaining each chapter of the Familia Romana
    • Exercitia latina I: aditional exercises

    Also very useful:

    • Morfología latina y diccionario (in Spanish)
    • Audios

    More information in this web:Cultura Clásica Ediciones

    Audios can be heard on YouTube: Series "Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata" | Familia Romana por ScorpioMartianus


    What could be enhanced in Familia Romana?

    • more variety of exercises
    • the answers of the exercises
    • audios should be included with the textbook: CD or download

    Tags Latin, method, books
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  • Why learn Latin?
    09/15/2024 21:52 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    The main reason for learning Latin is to be able to read the original sources in Latin. Sometimes it does not exist a translation in our language or it is not a good one or is a translation of a translation. So Latin is useful for historians, philosophers, philologists. A high level of Latin is required.

    Latin is also useful for:

    • students of Medicine, Zoology, Botany; a basic level is just enought
    • for learning romance languages; even for English, a language that does not come from Latin, because a lot of words come from Latin
    • it is a good mental exercise, learning any language it is so

    Finally you can learn Latin because you find it interesting o just like it.



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  • What is new on the web
    03/29/2024 22:46 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    New features added to this web:

    • Dictionary: added transitivity of the verb (50% done)
    • Vocabulary test: added chapter of Familia Romana at configuration
    • Vocabulary exercise: added chapter of Familia Romana at configuration
    • Exercise about verbs: added chapter of Familia Romana at configuration


    Tags dictionary, verbs, exercises
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  • Latin Dictionary by Julián Peņa
    03/29/2024 22:40 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    Let me introduce you the Latin Dictionary by Julián Peña:

    Download Latin Dictionary DUX eskola-hiztegia

    It is a Latin Dictionary for the school with translations into euskara and Spanish. It has 6,000 words. It is a PDF, it is free and you can download it and print it freely.

    I hope you like it

    Many thanks to Julián Peña, for the work done.

    Tags dictionary, Latin
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  • New exercise to practice the conjugation of the verbs
    01/26/2014 20:10 by LATINE DISCE Webdominus

    There is a new exercise to practice the conjugation of a selection of verbs. There is a verb of each regular conjugation, deponent verbs and some irregular verbs.

    Tags exercises, verbs, LATINE DISCE
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